Home Learning for Pupils

At EGPA we strongly believe that home learning supplements the learning that takes place in the classroom.
We expect that all children read at home regularly and that children practice their spellings each week.
In addition, children have access to online learning platforms such as TT Rockstars to help with times tables practice and Reading Plus to help with reading.
This year all KS2 pupils have been loaned an IT device which is transported between home and school daily. This enables IT to be utilised within the classroom providing quality first teaching using the latest technology . The children are able to access home learning tasks using the device when at home.
Below you will find the Half term curriculum overview and home learning sheets for each year group. These have also been sent home with your child, but should you require an extra copy, please do not hesitate to contact us.
EYFS – Nursery
EYFS – Reception
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6